Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Discovery: Not every day is a paint day

Not every day is a paint day. It hit me, all of a sudden, that I am still an artist even if I don't paint every day. I can't be anything else, it's in my blood.

I got home late this evening. I ran some errands after work and walked Sammy when I got home.  Then I ate something that could qualify as "dinner."  I called my girl friend to see how she was doing. She had an operation today. Happy that she is doing fine, I went down to the studio, knowing I wasn't going to paint. I was too tired. This morning, I got up earlier than my usual early rise to visit City Hall to see the gallery space before heading to work. It actually is a wide hallway next to the Mayor's office.

Sometimes life gets in the way. I may not be able to paint every day, but, I will do something every day to advance the progress of the painting.  This will help me remain connected to the painting. Being true to my vow, I drew some marks on the painting so I would be ready to paint tomorrow evening. What can I say, beat me with a wet noodle. Nobody is perfect. 

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